Reasoning skills are skills that process basic to cognition of all forms. Reasoning skills are skills that you will need for your entire life. Many poeple believe that children in primary school are way to young to learn about reasoning skills. In my opinion, I feel that children should have to learn these skills at younger ages to help them in the future. I feel that primary school is a great way to at least introduce these skills.
When you are younger, it is easier to process bad and good. If you are taught what is right and wrong when you are young, and are constantly reminded, you are more likely to not make the mistake. Why not inform children now of the proper reasoning skills they will need later in their life. The earlier the better. In a way, no matter what, reasoning skills are being taught somehow in school.
I feel that children should get a jump start on applying these skills they will learn in everyday situations. Not only in school, but out of school as well. Reasoning skills can also increases childrens motivation, and learn things in different contexts. They can start thinking critically early, and process things easier and quicker later on in life.
People feel that teaching all these scientifical and mathematical reasoning skills are not helping children in the long run. You need reasoning to solve problems and put things together. They say reasoning is too hard, and does not come to children easily, so they get confused faster. Curriculum gets harder every year, and reasoning skills should wait till middle school, or even high school. If anything, it drops their grades. I disagree due to the fact that all it can do is help kids make better and smarter decisions.
Recognizing bad reasoning skills early can also help children out a lot. Whether it be drugs, math, or getting a job, you will need these skills. I feel the earlier you start, the easier it gets. That is the same for a lot of things.
Overall, reasoning skills are very important in developing yourself, and should be taught in primary school. Without reasoning skills, it would be hard to find a job, pass school, and build your life. I feel starting realy will help later on in life. It not only helps you with jobs, it makes you sharper.